What is Elastomeric Paint?

What is Elastomeric Paint?

Elastomeric paints, known for their remarkable durability and resilience, are made from a polymer blend that allows them to expand and contract with the surfaces to which they are applied. These coatings possess a high level of elasticity—often capable of stretching some 200-300%—which makes them ideal for bridging hairline cracks and ensuring a seamless finish. Characterized by their thick application, these paints resist cracking and are resistant to extreme temperatures, UV radiation, and even certain chemical exposures. The history of elastomeric coatings can be traced back to the development of synthetic rubber and polymers, innovations which occurred during the early and mid-20th century and which formed the basis for the first elastomeric blends. Their evolution has been marked by continual improvements in formulations to increase their lifespan, environmental resistance, and adaptability to a wide range of building surfaces.

The Benefits Of Elastomeric Paint

Homeowners greatly benefit from the evolved versions of elastomeric paints, including products like Conflex Sherlastic by Sherwin Williams and Weather Master by Vista Paint. These advances reflect a shift from basic membrane waterproofing systems to more sophisticated hybrid high build flexible coatings, offering superior protection and longevity. Unlike early iterations, these modern coatings are engineered to allow moisture vapor to escape, preventing the buildup of moisture that can lead to blistering and decay. Moreover, the high build quality ensures maximum coverage with fewer coats, and their superior elasticity accommodates subtle shifts and movements within the building structure, reducing the likelihood of cracks and other wear-related issues over time. The evolution of elastomeric coatings to include these properties has revolutionized the way homeowners protect and maintain their properties, providing lasting aesthetic appeal and structural defense against a variety of environmental challenges.

TRICO PAINTING uses elastomeric coatings on a wide range of projects. Here are some advantages, uses, and considerations to think about before starting your next exterior painting project.

What to Know About Elastomeric Paint

Uses of Elastomeric Paint

Elastomeric paints are commonly used on exterior surfaces subjected to harsh weather conditions such as direct sunlight, heavy rainfall, and high humidity. These coatings are ideal for  concrete and masonry walls, masonry stucco, stucco and other concrete surfaces such as Hardie Siding, due to their ability to expand and contract with the natural movements of these materials. Some elastomeric paints are also suitable for wood siding as they help prevent moisture from penetrating the surface, reducing the risk of rotting and decay. 

Advantages of Elastomeric Paint

One of the main advantages of elastomeric paint is its ability to bridge cracks and imperfections in surfaces, providing a smooth and seamless appearance. This also helps to prevent water from seeping into the structure, protecting it from moisture-related damage. Additionally, these coatings offer excellent resistance to extreme weather and environmental factors such as UV radiation, mold, and mildew growth. The high elasticity of elastomeric paints also allows for easier maintenance as they can stretch and move with the natural shifts in a building's structure.

Note: While elastomeric paints like Conflex Sherlastic and Vista Paint Weather Master are highly effective for protecting against moisture, it's important to note that they are not waterproofing paints but perform as well as other premium quality acrylic paint in moisture protection.

Considerations for Using Elastomeric Paint

While elastomeric paints offer many benefits, there are some important considerations to keep in mind when using them. These coatings require proper surface preparation and may not adhere well to previously painted surfaces or highly glossy finishes. They also tend to be thicker than traditional paints, so they may require specialized application techniques and equipment. Additionally, elastomeric paints may be more costly than regular paints, but their long-lasting durability and protection make them a worthwhile investment in the long run.

What Makes Elastomeric Paint Different?

Elastomeric paints differ from traditional house paints in several key ways. The first distinguishing feature is their extraordinary elasticity; when dried, these coatings can stretch significantly more than standard paints, allowing them to conceal and bridge existing hairline cracks effectively without losing their integrity.

This flexibility also makes them less prone to developing cracks over time due to structural movements or thermal expansion and contraction. Additionally, elastomeric paints have a much higher solids content, leading to a thicker film when applied.

This thickness contributes to their superior durability and ability to withstand harsh environmental conditions, such as UV degradation and extreme temperatures, without fading or chalking. Their unique composition offers a robust and elastic protective layer that standard paints can't match, all while maintaining an impeccably smooth finish that stands the test of time.

Does Elastomeric Paint Trap Moisture?

One common question regarding elastomeric paint is whether it traps moisture within the surface it covers. Elastomeric coatings are designed to be breathable, which means they allow water vapor to pass through them. This characteristic prevents moisture from becoming trapped beneath the paint layer, which can cause significant damage over time. However, it's still crucial to ensure that surfaces are properly sealed and repaired before applying elastomeric paint. Otherwise, existing moisture issues can persist and potentially lead to problems such as mold growth and substrate deterioration. Always consult with a professional when dealing with areas that are exposed to high moisture levels to determine the best course of action

Should I Choose Elastomeric Paint?

Ultimately, the decision to use elastomeric paint on your exterior surfaces will depend on factors such as your budget, the condition of your property, and personal preferences. However, if you're looking for a long-lasting and robust solution for protecting your home's exteriors, elastomeric paint is definitely worth considering. Its remarkable elasticity, resistance to environmental elements, and ability to bridge surface imperfections make it a top choice for homeowners looking to invest in the long-term maintenance and protection of their property. So, when it comes to choosing the right paint for your exterior surfaces, think beyond basic aesthetics and consider the lasting benefits of elastomeric paints. Trust us; your home will thank you for it.  

Pros and Cons of Elastomeric Paint


  • Excellent resistance to moisture, UV radiation, and extreme temperatures. 
  • High elasticity allows for easy maintenance and prevents cracks.
  • Can be used on a variety of surfaces, including wood, stucco, and concrete.


  • Higher initial cost compared to traditional paints.
  • Requires specialized application techniques and equipment. 
  • Lower coverage - Spread rate compared to traditional house paint

Get Your Money's Worth: Professional Elastomeric Coating Application

TRICO PAINTING has the expertise, knowledge, and safety protocols in place to safely apply elastomeric coatings to stucco, brick, and other specialized exteriors. We carefully clean and pressure wash every exterior surface we paint, performing any necessary structural strengthening, so you can rest easy that there will be no premature, costly repaints.

If you've never used elastomeric paint, we'll make recommendations for coatings based on your home exterior type, condition, and style. Give your home or managed HOA property a beautiful, durable appearance that resists whatever the weather and the elements throw at it. Contact TRICO PAINTING for your exterior painting estimate today to learn about the many benefits and versatile uses of elastomeric coatings.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: Can elastomeric paint be used on any surface?

A: Elastomeric paints can be used on a variety of surfaces, including wood, stucco, and concrete. However, it's essential to ensure proper surface preparation for optimal adhesion.

Q: Is elastomeric paint more expensive than regular paint?

A: Yes, elastomeric paints may have a higher initial cost compared to traditional paints. However, their long-lasting durability and resistance to environmental elements make them a worthwhile investment in the long run.

Q: Can I apply elastomeric paint myself?

A: While it's possible to apply elastomeric paint yourself, it requires specialized techniques and equipment for proper application. It's recommended to hire experienced professionals for best results.

Q: How long does elastomeric paint last?

A: With proper preparation and application, elastomeric paints can last up to 10-15 years, depending on the conditions they're exposed to. Regular maintenance and touch-ups may also extend their lifespan. 

Q: Can I change the color of my elastomeric paint?

A: Some elastomeric paints can be tinted to different colors, but it's essential to check with the manufacturer for color options and compatibility before attempting to change the color. 

Q: Is elastomeric paint environmentally friendly?

A: Elastomeric paints are generally considered eco-friendly as they contain fewer volatile organic compounds (VOCs) compared to traditional paints, making them more sustainable and less harmful to the environment.  However, it's always best to check with the manufacturer for specific product information and ingredients.  Overall, elastomeric paints offer a wide range of benefits and can be an excellent choice for homeowners looking to protect and enhance the appearance of their exterior surfaces. With proper maintenance and application, they can provide long-lasting protection against harsh environmental elements, ensuring your property looks beautiful for years to come.

Trust the professionals at TRICO PAINTING for expert application and recommendations on the best elastomeric coatings for your home or managed HOA property.  Contact us today for a free estimate and give your exterior surfaces the protection they deserve.